I downloaded the audiobook of this without knowing what it was about, and I did this only because of the author, Bianca del Rio. Ever since I saw Bianca del Rio on Ru Paul’s drag race I was in love with her, she is talented, funny and a very nice person (even if she doesn’t want us to think she is.
In this book we follow Bianca del Rio as she answers some questions from her fans of everyday annoyances.
I was expecting to laugh so hard with this book and that was definitely delivered. It made it ten times more funny that Bianca was the one who narrated the audiobook, I laugh just listening to her voice. This book is definitely not for the easily offended it is sassy and shady and if you take this book seriously then there is something wrong with your sense of humor.
This book is amazing it was funny a witty and it just made me want to see her live. My favorite parts were she inserted a personal anecdote in her responses, it was really fun to see that part of Bianca and I wished there would have been more of those.
My only complaint was that this book was a little long, it started to get a little boring after a while of just the same question-answer structure and some of the questions and answers seemed very similar.
If you are interested in reading this I would definitely recommend the audiobook, I think it is hard to put comedy into paper so having Bianca del Rio herself narrating this for you is a plus, for me just hearing her talk is enough to make me laugh.
Overall, this book was solid, if you are a BDR fan and love her sense of humor then I would really recommend this book for you, however if you are easily offended please stay away of this book. The format of this book is not the best and it can get a little boring at times but this book is guaranteed to make you laugh out loud several times.