Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All of the opinions are my own and this did not affect my review in any way.
3.5 stars
When I was asked to read an review this book I agreed because I have always been so intrigued with psychopaths, I know this sounds weird but it is true, I don’t know why or how I developed this interest I just know that there is somethings about the psychology of how a psychopath thinks that grabs my attention and I started reading this book knowing nothing more than the fact that it was the diary of a psychopath.
Based on lies is a psychological thriller told from a psychopath´s perspective as he narrated his life story through his diary entries.
I really enjoyed this book, I read it super-fast and I was intrigued most of the time. I definitely liked the first part more than the second one even though I was a bit confused in the first one due to the names. I had a hard time picturing who was who and who was the author talking about in specific moments however this is all my personal fault because I am not used to the names of the characters. I definitely think that is the names would have been more common I wouldn’t have trouble identifying them.
Some things are definitely thrilling, I could not read this book at night or else I wouldn’t have been able to sleep at all. This story is filled with unreliable narrators and characters, you never know who you can trust or what is the actual story is here. The story line in the beginning is a little chaotic, however, as the story progresses you are able to easily connect the dots.
I liked the ending, I kind of saw it coming but I still think it was a realistic satisfying ending. I really prefer to have an ending that I saw coming because the author put all the clues than have an ending that comes out of nowhere.
Overall this was a solid middle of the road read for me, it had potential to be a favorite but I still highly enjoyed it. I would read another book by this author without a doubt.