My best friend gave me this book for my birthday because it is his favorite book of all time and even though I had no idea what this book was about I was very excited to read it and see what I thought about it.
Never let me go is a gripping mystery, a beautiful love story, and also a scathing critique of human arrogance and a moral examination of how we treat the vulnerable and different in our society.
I have to admit that I was not expecting to like this book as much as I did and I was definitely not expecting to grow so attached to the characters in such a short book. In the beginning I did not know where the book was going and I wasn’t sure if I was really enjoying it. However, the author manages to give you few details that are not enough for you to see the bigger picture but are enough in order to keep you intrigued and invested in the story. So in the end I couldn’t put this book down and I needed to know what was going to happen to the characters.
This book is beautifully written, the author manages to make you feel as if you were there along Kathy, Ruth and Tommy and makes you feel empathy for all of them while critiquing human arrogance. The characters are very well developed and flawed which made them much more realistic. My favorite character was Tommy and I definitely related to Kathy, however, I have to be honest and admit I wasn’t a huge fan of Ruth, she was a very unlikable character for me and reading about how awful of a person she was turned out to be very annoying.
This book is definitely though provoking and can lead to various discussions. I think this would be a perfect book for a book club. My advice, don’t read a description of this book beforehand, don’t watch the movie, don’t watch the trailer of the movie. Just pick the book up and start reading.
Overall, this is one of my favorite books I have read so far this year and probably of all time and I can’t wait to re-read it someday.